A Gimps View From The North

My very own space for political rantings and ravings to be kept separate from Gimp House

Monday, December 24


It really is a pity that the only time of year that Bethehem, Nazareth, and other places associated with Jesus are talked about is Christmas time. Our news usually only covers the festivities, or lack thereof, in Bethlehem. Very few talk about what has been happening in those other places that have been Christian for centuries, over the last few decades. I don't have the exactt population statistics, but, it is obvious to anyone who knows those places (I am quite familiar with Nazareth) that the muslims have managed to take over and have run many Christians out of town. Not the Jewish population, the muslim. And they have done it very much by design. They terrorize the Christians. demand payment for protection,and make life impossible for them and the Christian world sits quietly by while all this goes on, or blames us for it. Ok, I guess maybe we are to blame in so far as we "allow" the muslims to get away with it,but, maybe the Christian world should wake up and start making some noise about their holy places, homes, cities, and sites, being taken over by muslims.
Anyone remember the mosque they tried to build in the courtyard of the church in Nazareth? In the end, the Israeli government put a stop to that nonsense. How long will it take before they manage to build it, not in the courtyard, but over the church itself? It's bad enough that world Christianity is pretty much sitting on their hands about these muslim attempts to take over, without realizing what will happen if they succeed in destroying Israel. We have been the guardians of all the religious sites of all religions. How long will it take for the muslims to take them over and obliterate them? Never mind allowing free access?


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